Let’s get started.

Get that voice in your head to treat you the way you deserve to be treated.


Building up what feels broken down.


You’ve noticed that sometimes, when you try to talk to your friends or family, they don’t really understand. You’re feeling lonely, anxious, and like there’s no one to talk to, even when people are around. Things are frustrating you or making you sad, and you’re blaming yourself.

Anxiety, anger, relationship struggles, and self doubt can take over everything. When these feelings come up, it can be because of a million reasons. Maybe you were in a relationship with someone who didn’t treat you the way you should be treated. Maybe the pattern of feeling alone and disconnected has been happening since you were a kid. Or maybe it’s something entirely different.

We exist with other people, so it is only natural that other people will impact us. It is not weak to know that there are people who hurt you and changed you. Recognizing that inevitable fact of life and naming it makes you stronger.

Therapy takes courage. It can help you understand how your small cuts and big breaks have come together to create the pain you feel. Together we will make meaning out of the patterns and relationships in your life. That will help us figure out how to get you to feel more in control of you.

If you’re someone who is ready to commit to gaining a deeper understanding of who you are, someone who is tired of avoiding what has hurt you, or someone who is just done with feeling bad, contact me. I am here to help.

The only way to grow is to understand how.

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are”- Carl Jung